Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Politician of India

We the people of India,working in private and govt. sectors superannuate at the age of 58 or max. 60,only supreme court judge retires at the age of 65 and high court judge retires at the age of 62.

There is no age limit for politicians.why? 
Politicians can continue in politics till the end of their life,how and why?

Why there is a limit on age to the common people?
Is it assumed that the common man gets tired mentally and physically at the certain age and he is not able to continue his services? But the politicians don't get tired and retired. How and why?Most of the politicians are corrupt, rowdy's etc and they can continue all their heinous activities till their death.But a common man can't continue his services. Why it is so?
Are politicians something different from a common man ?

Former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee had once said in Parliament that, he never maintained the dignity of the parliament throughout his life? So is it because of his old age that he forgot what he wanted to say?

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